Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog Day!

Bad news: Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning: 6 more weeks of winter!

Click the pic for the official Groundhod Day Club - "I wouldn't be a member of a club that would have me as a member" (Groucho Marx).

Snow patrol (and I don't mean the music)!

The Alps have invaded Britain.

It was -5 degrees C last night, and the heaviest snowfall the UK has experienced in 18 years. Plus most of the snow fell today during morning and evening rush hours. Fun, if you can get anywhere!

Click the pic for the predictions for snow all this week.

My novel about painting, criminality, and the greatest art forger of the twentieth century!

My novel about painting, criminality, and the greatest art forger of the twentieth century!
Please click the cover!

My novel about London, murder, mayhem, and a female killer!

My novel about London, murder, mayhem, and a female killer!
Please click the cover!

My novel about running, Princeton University, and a conman who lost it all!

My novel about running, Princeton University, and a conman who lost it all!
Please click the cover!

My novel about love, betrayal and chess in New Orleans

My novel about love, betrayal and chess in New Orleans
Please click the book!

My semi-autobiographical novel about a very British education and becoming an American!

My semi-autobiographical novel about a very British education and becoming an American!
Please click the cover!

My novel about London, murder, mayhem, and a female killer!

My novel about London, murder, mayhem, and a female killer!
Please click the cover!