Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Further Adventures of HP Sauce

My father recently scared me by saying all HP was stopping its bottles in the UK. It's true. In June 2005, our American cousins Heinz purchased HP manufactuers, HP Foods, from Danone (HP Foods was already French-owned), moving HP production from Aston, Birmingham to Elst in the Netherlands. Hence my friend Martin "Zigga" Zeegar, a half-Dutch half-Scotsman now living in Rotterdam, has kindly taken to smuggling HP through American customs, I confess. Please Dutch people, though you're becoming less liberal by the hour, keep smoking and keep importing! Otherwise bring on the Fourth Anglo-Dutch war. If we can't find the missing WMD HP, let's get Maggie Thatch back and bring on the all-American armada! When they came for the brown sauce, we said nothing...and without HP England might turn to unholy red sauce (another well-known Heinz import) in despair!

Fortunately there is a vast HP import market to England. So lovers of the HP (and a few brown-tongues who prefer their Daddies Sauce) needn't worry. Cook up the grill, let's BBQ Thanksgiving. The British - well, their condiments, at least - are coming!

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Harry Potter Incites Witchcraft, Again

I don't know how to explain this one, England. Harry Potter is in the firing line again, and I'm not talking Quidditch.
Is Potter a terrorist? The anti-Christ? Just bad at doing his homework? Oh dear. Should we start teaching American Pyscho in British schools alongside Macbeth? I don't know; the mind boggles. Maybe if we combine Scientology and the Wicca witchcraft religions we can get some alien broomsticks (in time for Hallowe'en) and see if Ms. Laura Mallory would like to ride them? This way Hermione!

My novel about painting, criminality, and the greatest art forger of the twentieth century!

My novel about painting, criminality, and the greatest art forger of the twentieth century!
Please click the cover!

My novel about London, murder, mayhem, and a female killer!

My novel about London, murder, mayhem, and a female killer!
Please click the cover!

My novel about running, Princeton University, and a conman who lost it all!

My novel about running, Princeton University, and a conman who lost it all!
Please click the cover!

My novel about love, betrayal and chess in New Orleans

My novel about love, betrayal and chess in New Orleans
Please click the book!

My semi-autobiographical novel about a very British education and becoming an American!

My semi-autobiographical novel about a very British education and becoming an American!
Please click the cover!

My novel about London, murder, mayhem, and a female killer!

My novel about London, murder, mayhem, and a female killer!
Please click the cover!